Chairman: Lucy Hunt; AKA: Ticket Master
Conference Director: Martha Romano; AKA: Craft Master
Conference Committee, 1 year: TBD; AKA: Crafter
Conference Committee, 2 year: Rosa Hernandez; AKA: Crafter
Conference Nurse: Ann Sanchez; AKA: Junior Caregiver
See more Junior Activities events on the Local Unit & District Events page
The enrollment in the Auxiliary of many daughters of Legion members too young to take part in the regular meetings and activities of their Units brought about the formation of Junior groups within many Units. Junior members are defined in the National Constitution as follows: Junior membership shall consist of that group under the age of eighteen years, whose activities shall be supervised by the Senior membership. Upon reaching the age of eighteen years, Junior members shall automatically be admitted into active membership with full privileges. “The voting age of eighteen years for members of the American Legion Auxiliary was adopted at the National Convention in Boston in October, 1930.
Tiny Tots …. The enrollment of Junior members from birth to six years of age is known as Tiny Tot enrollment. Tiny Tot certificates are available through Department Headquarters. Upon reaching the age of six, certificates of promotion to Junior membership are available. A parent or guardian must sign the application of a Junior member.
Junior members do not form a separate organization but are members of the American Legion Auxiliary, grouped separately so they may be given a program within the scope of their years and understanding. Junior members may not be counted in the minimum of ten members necessary to organize a Unit, as it is believed that it takes at least ten Senior members to efficiently carry on the work of the Unit. In determining delegation representation, Senior and Junior memberships are treated without distinction; all are counted in Department membership. Junior Activities are merely activities for the younger members which will give them early training in the work of the Auxiliary and inculcate in them the ideals of the Auxiliary. Junior membership is the training ground for active Auxiliary membership. Junior Activities, properly carried out, can also be an important step in teaching the principles of justice, freedom, and democracy to these young people as well.
Junior groups function under the guidance of an advisor and committee from the Senior members. They are organized as a committee of the Unit, conduct their own meetings and carry out their own activities. The Junior officers shall be known as Honorary Junior officers. Their work should be coordinated with the work of the Senior group and they should be given part in the regular Unit activities whenever possible so they will feel they are truly a part of the Auxiliary.
Americanism should be a major activity of the Juniors and presented to Them such manner that they will be taught patriotism, citizenship and loyalty to American ideas and principles. Practically all Auxiliary activities can be adapted to Junior use and the Juniors given some participation in all phases of the year’s program. The Juniors should be kept active and interested.
Success of the Juniors depend upon the leadership given them by the Unit. The advisor should be a woman capable of handling and reaching children of all ages, keeping alive their interest, and directing activities which will carry out the purposes of the organization.
Details for directing the Junior Activities of an Auxiliary Unit are contained in the Junior Activities Handbook. Suggestions for organizing a Junior group, eligibility rules, installation, initiation, and graduation ceremonies, plans for conducting contests, meetings, and programs, and other suggestions helpful to the Junior chairman are included in this Handbook. The Handbook may be secured from the Department Headquarters.