Mission education for all American Legion Auxiliary members.

Learning is something that never ends. No matter our age, there is always something new we can learn or teach others. As an organizaiton, it is important for American Legion Auxiliary members to share knowledge with each other to help continue the ALA’s longstanding mission of serving veterans, military, and their families.

Auxiliary members of all ages and levels in the organizaiton can learn new skills and ways to serve through ALA Academy and ALA Academy Live – all of which are free. In addition to the self-paced courses on ALA Academy, you can now access recordings from previous ALA Academy Live webinars at www.ALAforVeterans.org/ALA-Academy. You will need to log in to access the recordings.

Promote the Auxiliary Unit Member of the Year

She is chosen for her accomplishments in her own Unit during the current year. She will not attain any other office outside of the Unit. She will give unselfishly of her time and talents with little or no recognition. Units of the American Legion Auxiliary all have hard working dedicated members who give of their time and talent to further the aims and purposes of our organization, but have no desire to serve beyond the Unit level.  In order to recognize such dedicated service each Unit may select one candidate for Unit Member of the Year in their Department.  Each Department will select the Unit Member of the Year for that Department who will be honored at the National Convention.  Contact Department Headquarters for further information.

Requirements: 1. Open to senior members who are not in an elected or appointed leadership role higher than unit president. 2. Each department may submit only one entry. Units must submit a narrative of 1,000 words or less describing the nominee’s accomplishments and activities together with the nominee’s name and address. Entry forms can be obtained on the Department website.