Unit Development & Revitalization

Unit Development & Revitalization (UD & R) may be a perplexing title for an American Legion Auxiliary program. However, when we dissect the name, the title of the program becomes self-explanatory. First, we have Unit Development, the starting of new Units. Secondly, we have Unit Revitalization, giving new life to Units that are on a decline in membership or experiencing other problems. Unit Development & Revitalization is all about finding new and seasoned members with new ideas that breathe life into our Units which leads to growth. Unit Development & Revitalization is more than just organizing new Units and trying to help Units hold on to charters. Unit Development & Revitalization is also about providing mentors for struggling Units, and providing training for new members. Unit Development & Revitalization is about suggesting ways that new members can be given opportunities to be active. Unit Development & Revitalization is about trying new ideas and exploring new ways to get better attendance at Unit meetings. Unit Development & Revitalization is not about solving personality conflicts in the Units. However, through “conflict resolution” training, Unit members learn to solve their own problems.